दलहन विकास निदेशालय
Directorate of Pulses Development




1. To assist Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers Welfare to plan, coordinate and monitor nodal crop development programmes i.e. Pulses at the National level and recommend measures to improve them;
2. To assist the States/Union Territories to formulate their Action Plan on CSS and implement crops development programmes to increase production and productivity;
3. To liaise with State Agricultural Universities and Central Government Institutes/ICAR’s/KVKs Institute for organizing training courses in improved production technology;
4. To have closer interaction/coordination with the Project Directorates/Coordinators/ ICAR Institutes and represent Department on their Management Committees/Regional Committees, with a view to benefit from research and improved production technology;
5. To provide technical support to the Extension agencies with respect to the nodal crop, provide literature on training manuals; and also periodically visit some of such projects relating to their respective nodal crops and provide feed backs to Extension Division;
1. To participate in meetings of Agricultural Techno Application Research Institute (ATARI-Zone-IX) to have closer interaction/coordination for need based field Extension activities /Technology Transfer as an effective DAC-ICAR interface at field level.
2. To represent in the Varietal Identification Committee (VIC) and to watch the performance of the newly evolved released varieties of crops.
3. To study and analyze trends in weather, crop area, production and productivity, on weather and crop prospects as well as market and price trends;
4. To assist Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers Welfare in fixing Nodal crop production targets and suggest measures to achieve them;
5. To build up relevant record and data for the nodal crop /commodity.


6. To function as Area-Office of DAC&FW for the assigned states (presently Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh) for coordination and monitoring of all Central Sector and Centrally Sponsored Schemes, Mission programme in agricultural development/crop sector.
7. To maintain liasion with State Governments/Departments and other development agencies/Research organization/SAUs/stake-holders on crop development programmes;
8. To monitor implementation of the crop development programmes on behalf of DAC&FW and appraise the Ministry/States about the gap between planning and performance and for further follow-up;
9. To monitor the availability of inputs and extension services; crop scenario etc.
10. To participate in Kharif Conference, Rabi Conference, Zonal Seed meetings, etc.
11. Represent DAC&FW in Central Teams/Committees.
12. Scrutiny of Annual Action Plan of the states, preparation of the Appraisal Notes on the proposal of each state.


13. Assessment of inputs requirements seed rolling plan etc for obtaining optimal yields.
14. Tracking progress and promotion of new crop varieties, including Seed Minikit implementation.
15. Monitoring/tracking progress of horticulture crops under Mission on Inter Development of Horticulture (MIDH) in the assigned states.
16. To Coordinate between States’ Stake-holders and Mission Director, NFSM on all issues related to National Food Security Mission, Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana (RKVY).
17. To obtain quarterly, annual report and Utilization Certificates and ensure timely submission of reports.
18. To liaise with State Agriculture Universities and ICAR Research Institutions for organizing the training courses, arranging workshops etc.
19. Compilation of MPR/QPR/APR of all CSS in assigned states and Nodal crop (Pulses) at National level.
20. Assisting Crops Division for allocation of seed minikits of oilseeds/pulses and monitoring the delivery within stipulated time frame and performance.
21. To act as Convenor/Team leader for National Monitoring Team (NLMT) under NFSM and BGREI etc.
22. Monitoring of Seed Hubs, Additional Breeder Seed Production Programme and Cluster Frontline Demonstrations (CFLDs) on Pulses and Oilseeds under NFSM – Pulses.
23. Additional Nodal Officer for MP & CG for All Crops Development Programmes under the umbrella scheme Green Revolution – Krishonnati Yojana(vide No. 44015/06/2006-Estt.I dated 6th April, 2017).
24. Member State Coordination Committee (SCC) for “Doubling of Farmers’ Income by 2022” (vide No. 15-4/2017-FW Policy division dated 30th March 2017).