दलहन विकास निदेशालय
Directorate of Pulses Development


• The Directorate of Pulses Development (DPD), one of the eight Commodity Development Directorates (CDDs) viz Jute, Cotton, Wheat, Millets, Rice, Sugarcane and Oilseeds, under the Crops Division of the Ministry of Agriculture, Department of Agriculture &, Cooperation (DAC), was established in 1971 at Lucknow (U.P.) by merging the Regional Extension Unit, Ahmedabad (Gujarat). On the recommendations of "CDDs Re-organization Committee", in 1996, the National Head Quarter of pulses commodity was subsequently shifted to Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh. Emphasizing on the welfare of farmers for overall growth of the agri-sector, the government renamed the Agriculture Ministry as “Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare” (DA&FW) in the year 2020-21.
• The Directorate of Pulses Development is mandated to co-ordinate and monitor the implementation of all Pulses related centrally sponsored/central sector schemes on crops development & research across the country.
• At present Food & Nutrition Security Pulses erstwhile - National Food Security Mission (NFSM)–Pulses is operational in 28 States (638 Districts) + 2 UTs (28 Districts) in the Country.
• With the bi-focal responsibilities for the assigned states of Madhya Pradesh & Chhattisgarh at present, it co-ordinates and monitors all crops related schemes/programmes/missions viz., NFSM (Rice, Wheat, Pulses, Targeting Rice Fallow Areas-Pulses & Oilseeds, Coarse Cereals, Nutri-Cereals, Commercial Crops-Sugarcane & Cotton), National Mission on Edible Oil (NMEO).
• Monitoring the implementation of 150 pulses seed hubs (Rs. 225.31 Cr) in 24 states covering 97 districts KVKs, 46 SAUs and 07 ICAR institutions to enhance location specific varieties and quality & quantity of pulses seed (Gram, Mung, Urd, Tur, Lentil and Pea etc.,) availability on time in the country.
• The Directorate functions as Nodal office of DA&FW, Govt. of India, New Delhi for Madhya Pradesh & Chhattisgarh states to represent in State Level Sanction Committees (SLSC), Inter-Ministerial Central Teams (IMCT) & Task-force etc.
• Preparation of Weekly Weather Watch Report (WWWR), Area coverage and prospects of All India pulses for the all seasons (Kharif/Rabi/Summer) alongwith rainfall situation, market trends of pulses crops and Weekly Weather Watch Report (WWWR) of all Kharif/Rabi/Summer crops of Nodal states of Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh & Crop-wise note on kharif pulses coverage and submitting to the Ministry including harvesting, status of crops on weekly basis.
• To attend the Weekly Video Conference of Ministry of Agriculture & FW with States Deptt. of Agriculture on crop weather watch report on every Tuesday regularly.
• Providing inputs for Formulation of Annual and Five year National plan, coordination in execution and monitoring of crop production programmes of pulses at national level, assisting states/UTs in initiation, planning, formulation and intensification of crop development programmes in consonance with the ongoing states programme/Crop diversification aspects & convergence and monitoring.
• Analytical reports (prod. estimates/ scenario/ price regime/market trends/Import-Export/crop diversions etc.
• Co-ordination with Seed Agencies (NSC/ NAFED /HIL/ IFFDC/ KRIBHCO/ KVSSL/NCCF etc.
• Preparation and submission of crop specific technical notes of Pulses to the Ministry.
• The DPD, Bhopal has been actively monitoring the programme implementation at the National level, through National Monitoring Team/Field visits, allocation of Seed Minikits, Seed-hub (Pulses), Interface with the Research and other stake-holder organizations/ agencies in the country.
• The DPD drafted the policy paper/guidelines for NFSM -Pulses, Seed- Rolling Plan for the strategies on area expansion and productivity enhancement in consultation with states and ICAR.
• The Directorate accomplishes the task relating to analysis of Area, Production and Productivity trends/impact of developmental programmes; research areas and identification of bottlenecks and suggest measures for their rectification and also feedback to ICAR-IIPR through institutionalized mechanism of National Conference/Group Meets on Chickpea, Pigeonpea, MULLaRP (Mung, Urd, Lentil, Lathyrus, Rajmash, Pea), Arid Legumes and DA&FW-ICAR Interface; Interface with National and International Research Organizations and Stake holders on area of crop Research, micro level planning of pulses crop development programme; fixing targets of production and suggest measures to achieve them; to co-ordinate in programmatic review of all CSSs and coordinate Seminar/Workshop/Conference /Review Meetings at State and National level.
• To assess the crop loss/damage to agricultural sector during Natural Calamities as a Member in Inter-Ministerial Central Team (IMCT) representing the Govt. of India, Department of Agri. & FW.
• To prepare and coordinate with assigned states of Madhya Pradesh & Chhattisgarh for reply of the Parliament Questions.
• Monitoring of Cluster FLDs on Pulses/ Oilseeds organized by KVKs under ATARI Zone-IX-Jabalpur, Three Years Seed Rolling plan for purchase of breeder seed, production of foundation and certified seed of oilseeds during 2021-22, 2022-23 and 2023-24 under NFSM-OS & OP and Seed Minikit Programme on Pulses & Oilseeds in Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh States.
• To prepare the All India Quarterly Progress Report and Annual Progress Report NFSM-Pulses and Seed hub-Pulses.
• To act as Convener for National Level Monitoring Team (NLMT) to Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh under NFSM (Rice, Pulses, Wheat, Coarse Cereals, Nutri-Cereals, Commercial Crops).
• To provide monthly crop specific advisories to the farmers in assigned states of Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh and through m-kishan portal.
• To collect & provide the various success stories on Centrally sponsored schemes benefits and other Technical inputs to extension agencies.
• To participate in ICAR institutes, SAUs, International Research Organizations, NGOs and other stake holders in the field of Agri. and allied sectors for better Research-Development interface.
• To represent on behalf of DA&FW in ICAR- Annual Group Meet (AGM) Pigeonpea/ Chickpea/ MULLaRP/ Arid Legumes and also represent in National conferences of DA&FW (Kharif, Rabi & Summer conference).
• Also to represent Department on their Committee/ events with a view to have direct interface for onward benefits to formulate farmer friendly schemes at national level with a unified approach for the overall development of agriculture and in Crop Training Programmes; Developing leaflets/ Literatures on training, etc.